Do’s and Don’ts of Septic Care

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Do’s and Don’ts of Septic Care

The Do’s of Septic Care

  • Learn and record the location of your septic system, including tank and
    dispersal area.
  • Have a maintenance plan/service contract for septic pumping. Keep records of repairs, pumping, inspections, permits issued and other system maintenance activities.
  • Check with local regulatory agency or inspector/pumper if you have a garbage disposal unit to make sure that your septic system can handle this additional waste.
  • Practice water conservation. Limit the number of high water use activities done consecutively or at the same time. For example, spread out laundry
    washings over the week and avoid running the dishwasher at the same
    time. Also, use water sparingly when watering over or near your dispersal system.
  • Use alternatives to toxic cleaners and chemicals around your home.
    Harmful chemicals can kill the beneficial bacteria in your septic tank, causing you to have your tank pumped more often. They can also be carried to your dispersal system and into drinking wells.
  • Be aware that human wastes from people on medication can affect the
    performance of your septic system and may require more frequent
    pumping of your tank. Leftover medications should be returned to your pharmacy.
  • If your system has a splitter (diverter) box, make the adjustment to
    alternate the usage of your leach lines once yearly.
  • Plant only grasses over and near your septic system. Roots from nearby trees or shrubs might clog and damage the drain field.

The Don’ts of Septic Care

  • Don’t allow toxic cleaners or chemicals to be flushed into your septic
  • Don’t allow potential poisons to get into your dispersal system including
    paint, solvents, antifreeze, fuels, oil, pesticides or herbicides. They upset the
    beneficial bacteria in your system and can leach into groundwater and
    cause health or environmental concerns.
  • Don’t use granular drain cleaners. Only a small amount can kill all the
    beneficial bacteria in your system, leading to rapid build-up of solids or
    dispersal system clogs. We recommend and sell Bio-Force® preventative
    Septic System Treatment. Bio-Force® has been specifically developed to
    provide homeowners with an easy, environmentally safe, and effective way
    to revitalize and treat their home septic system. Please call us for additional
    information regarding this product manufactured by Century Chemical Corporation.
  • Don’t park, drive, pave, or put heavy objects or machinery over your
    dispersal system. This can compact the soil, crush pipes and keep air from getting into the ground – all of which can lead to system failure.
  • Don’t plant trees or shrubs in the dispersal system area. Their roots can damage or plug the dispersal system pipes. Grass is ideal.
    Don’t allow roof drains or surface water runoff from driveways and slopes
    to discharge into your tank or onto the dispersal system.
  • Don’t use your toilet or drains as a trash can. Cooking grease, fats, cigarette butts, disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, hair, plastics, rubber, coffee
    grounds, and cat litter should all be kept out of your septic system.
  • Don’t pour hazardous waste down the drain. Take hazardous wastes to a
    recycling center.
  • Don’t attempt repairs or alterations to your septic system yourself.

DO YOU NEED Certified Septic System Inspections?

Let Us Know How We May Help You!

    Kelly's Septic Service, LLC
    1771 County Rd. 130
    Bellefontaine, Ohio 43311

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